City News

Upcoming Vacancies on Various Committees

November 16, 2023, City News

The Sebastopol City Council is in need of applicants who are interested in serving on various boards and committees for the City of Sebastopol.

The primary responsibilities of all the committees is to implement adopted City policy, and advise and make recommendations to the City Council. To find out more about each Committee/Board/Commission click on the links below.

Deadline: Applications are now due to the Planning Department at the City Hall by December 18th 2023, 5PM.

Vacancies listed below:

Design Review/Tree Board ———————— Three vacancies (one general public seat open to community residents & two specialized: landscape architect, building designer, building contractor, or landscape contractor.)

Climate Action Committee —————–——Six vacancies (categories include business, climate rep, youth rep, and more!)

Community members who wish to apply are encouraged to download and fill out the application form below and email it to or mail/deliver it to:

ATTN: Planning Department

7120 Bodega Avenue

Sebastopol, CA 95472
