Planning Applications

Planning Applications

We are accepting most applications electronically but do require hard copies for some applications. Note, Applications are not considered submitted until payment is received. Please contact us for instructions for submitting an application and processing payment. If in-person intake is needed, please contact staff to schedule an appointment.

For all permits: A complete Master Planning Application shall be provided to the Planning Department. All submittal information shall be submitted along with the completed and signed Planning Application form, paid related fees, and any additional information required by the Planning Department Permit Portal before the application can be accepted as complete.

The applicant and/or his representative must be present for any subsequent DRB, PC, or CC meetings.  Failure to do so may result in the application being continued.

For tips on applications click here.

Master Planning Application Form

All permits require a Master Planning Application Form signed by the Applicant AND Property Owner. Incomplete signatures could delay issuance of an approval/denial letter.

Step 1: Download Form

Step 2: Fill out all applicable sections to your permit and ensure Property Owner and Applicant have signed pages 1 & 3. (We accept PDFs filled out electronically)

Step 3: Upload into “MASTER PLANNING APPLICATION” category on the online e-portal.


All Annexations can be applied for on the permit portal.

Preliminary Annexation

The submittal information shall be provided to the Planning Department. All submittal information shall be presented along with the Planning Application form, related fees, and any additional information required by the Planning Department before the application can be accepted as complete.
The first step in filing for annexation to the City of Sebastopol is to request a review by the Sebastopol City Council to determine if the proposed annexation is logical and feasible. A formal application for annexation and prezoning will not be accepted by the City until the City Council has provided feedback on the preliminary request.
The applicant and/or his representative should attend any meetings. Failure to do so may result in the application being continued or denied.

Preliminary Annexation Checklist
  • Application Form: Completed and signed by the applicant and property owner.
  • Deposit: As defined on the fee schedule listed on the Master Planning Application. Checks should be made payable to the City of Sebastopol. Total application costs are determined by the Planning Department, with the final amount based on processing time spent by staff and consultants.
  • Location Map: Indicate the subject parcel(s) and adjacent streets on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ map.
  • Written Statement: The statement should include a description of the proposed use(s) and a description of current uses and conditions. If there will be multiple uses on the site because of use permit approval, indicate the location and square footage of the different uses. Complete the attached Statement of Justification for Rezoning. Describe the project in detail. State the reasons for the project, including the City’s potential benefits and costs. This statement should clarify the basis for the annexation request and identify how the request is consistent with the General Plan.
  • Annexation Supplemental: Check with the planning department.
  • Area Development Map: The drawing should show existing development on site, surrounding land uses, including streets and driveways, and structures within 300 feet of the subject parcel. Drawings should be accurately drawn to scale. Information may be obtained from recent aerial photos. This area map is a separate requirement from a specific, detailed site plan. The drawing should also show the proposed plan showing the improvements you want to develop. If other permits, such as use permits, are processed simultaneously with this application, the detailed site plan requirements of that application will have to be submitted as well.
  • Project Development Plan: A draft development plan showing the proposed improvements you want to develop in as much detail as possible.

Please reach out to the planning department regarding submitting large-scale plans.

City staff may request additional information if it is needed to prepare your annexation request for review by the Sebastopol City Council.


Upon receipt of the application, the Planning Department has 30 days to determine if it is complete. The necessary level of environmental review must then be determined and completed. After this, the project can be scheduled before the Planning Commission within 3 to 6 weeks and to the City Council thereafter. The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, and the City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The Planning Commission and City Council meet at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Johnson Street, Sebastopol, CA, at 6:00 p.m. A notice will be mailed no later than 10 days before the scheduled hearing.

Annexation Checklist:
  • Application: Completed and signed by the applicant and property owner.
  • Deposit: As defined on the fee schedule listed on the Master Planning Application. Checks should be made payable to the City of Sebastopol. Total application costs are determined by the Planning Department, with the final amount based on processing time spent by staff and consultants.
  • Location Map: Indicate the subject parcel(s) and adjacent streets on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ map.
  • Written Statement: The statement should include a description of the proposed use(s) and a description of current uses and conditions. If there will be multiple uses on the site because of use permit approval, indicate the location and square footage of the different uses. Complete the attached Statement of Justification for Rezoning. Describe the project in detail. State the reasons for the project, including the City’s potential benefits and costs.
  • Environmental Assessment Form: Added information such as traffic reports, noise studies, or visual impact studies may be required by the Planning Department to complete the environmental review. Check with the Planning Department for clarification.
  • Preliminary Title Report: A preliminary title report, prepared within three months of filing the application, including a complete legal description.
  • Site Photographs: Clearly show the views of and from the project, including neighboring development. Include a key map indicating where the pictures were taken from and in what direction they were taken. Label the pictures accordingly. It is often desirable to provide the City with a series of overlapping photographs of the surrounding neighborhood that show a panoramic view.
  • Area Development Map: The drawing should show existing development on site, surrounding land uses, streets and driveways, and structures within 300 feet of the subject parcel. Drawings should be accurately drawn to scale. Information may be obtained from recent aerial photos.
  • Site Plan: Scaled plan identifying proposed site development.

Scale: The scale used on submittal plans shall generally be at a 1/8″ = 1’0″ for the architectural plans, 1″ = 20′ for site engineering plans. Include a north arrow, the scale and a bar scale on all plans. Please reach out to the planning department regarding submitting large-scale plans.

Antenna Permits

Antenna Permits can be applied for on the permit portal under Telecommunications Permit.

Design Review

Design Review Permits can be applied for on the permit portal.

Upon receipt of the application the Planning Department has 30 days in which to determine if it is complete. The necessary level of environmental review must then be determined and completed (if applicable to the project; please reach out to the Planning Department for more information). After this, the project can be scheduled before the Design Review Board within 3 to 6 weeks. The Design Review Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Johnson Street, Sebastopol, CA, at 3:30 p.m.

In most cases site plans for a major use permit or design review application must be prepared, stamped, and signed by a licensed architect, landscape architect, civil engineer, land surveyor, or building designer whose name, address and phone number must appear on the plan.
For small projects requirements may be waived by the Planning Department.

Environmental Review

After the Planning Director has accepted an application as complete, the Planning Department may require the applicant to submit additional information for the environmental review of the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

For more information reach out to the Planning Department.

Housing Applications

Density Bonus Applications and SB35 Applications can be filed through our online permit portal.
If you plan on filing either of these applications, please contact the planning department.

Landscape Review

MWELO Introduction

Introduction to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) Toolkit
This tool kit is provided for use by local agencies when implementing the revised Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) recently updated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR).
On April 1, 2015, Governor Brown issued Executive Order, EO B-29-15 (EO). The EO directed DWR to update the MWELO in response to California’s continued drought conditions.
Local agencies, which is defined as; “a city or county, including a charter city or charter county, that is responsible for adopting and implementing the ordinance. The local agency is also responsible for enforcing this ordinance, including but not limited to approval of a permit and plan check or design review of a project”.
The purpose of this summary is to provide applicants with basic information about MWELO. The chart below outlines what types of projects are subject to the MWELO.

MWELO Required Documentation

Project TypeAcceptable Compliance MethodsRequired Documents
New landscape areas for residential and non-residential projects less than 500 sq ft.ExemptN/A
Rehabilitated landscape areas for residential and non-residential projects less than 2500 sq ft requiring a building or landscape permit, plan check, or design review.ExemptN/A
Landscape areas located at registered local, state, or federal historical sites, ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system, mined-land reclamation projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system, or existing plant collections as part of botanical gardens and arboretums open to the public.ExemptN/A
New landscape areas for residential and non-residential projects between 500 and 2500 sq ft require a building or landscape permit, plan check, or design review.Performance or PrescriptiveRefer to the MWELO Submittal Checklist for required documentation for either the performance or prescriptive compliance method or use the MWELO Project Information, Short Form for Prescriptive Compliance.
New or rehabilitated landscape areas for residential and non-residential projects ≥ 2500 sq ft require a building or landscape permit, plan check, or design review.PerformanceRefer to the MWELO Submittal Checklist for the performance compliance method.
Any Residential and non-residential lot or parcel within the project that has less than 2500 sq. ft. of landscape using treated or untreated graywater or rainwater captured on site which meets the lot or parcel’s landscape water requirement (Estimated Total Water Use) entirely with treated or untreated graywater or through stored rainwater captured on site.PrescriptiveSubject only to Appendix D, Section (5). Refer to the MWELO Submittal Checklist prescriptive approach section titled “Irrigation (Title 23, Chapter 2.7, Appendix D (b) (5)).

MWELO Submittal Checklist

Lot Line Applications

Lot Line Applications can be filed through our online permit portal.

The submittal information shall be provided to the Planning Department. All submittal information shall be presented along with the Planning Application form, related fees, and any additional information required by the Planning Department before the application can be accepted as complete.
Upon receipt of this information, the Planning Department will determine if the application is complete. Once this is completed, the project can be scheduled before the Environmental Review Committee. This Committee meets as needed. You will be notified of the hearing date at least 72 hours in advance of that date.
The scale used on submittal plans shall generally be at a 1/8″ = 1’0″ for the architectural plans, 1″ = 20′ for site engineering plans. Include a north arrow, the scale, and a bar scale on all plans.
Please reach out to the planning department regarding submitting large-scale plans.


The documents submitted shall be reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC), who shall approve the lot line adjustment if they find each condition set forth above is met. The ERC may impose conditions or exactions on their approval to conform to local Zoning and building requirements or to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructure, or easements. The ERC’s decision shall be final unless appealed to the Planning Commission as outlined below.

Appeals of ERC’s action with respect to lot line adjustments shall be made to the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. On appeal, the Planning Commission shall, by resolution, approve the lot line adjustment if it finds that each condition set forth in subsection (a) is met. The Planning Commission may add, delete or modify conditions if the Planning Commission determines that such changes are necessary to ensure that the lot line adjustment conforms to the State Subdivision Map Act and this Code.

Following approval of the lot line adjustment and after satisfying all conditions of approval, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval of revised deeds for the transfer of the property and thereafter shall record the documents and submit copies of the recorded documents to the Planning Department. No record of the survey shall be required unless required by Section 8762 of the Business and Professions Code. In lieu of satisfying development conditions, the applicant may post a bond or other acceptable security satisfactory to the City in form and amount to secure the applicant’s agreement to satisfy development conditions.

The applicant and/or his representative must be present for any meetings. Failure to do so may result in the application being continued.

Lot Line Checklist

  • Application Form:
    Completed and signed by the applicant and all parties having a record title interest in the involved property.
  • Deposit:
    As defined on the fee schedule listed on the Master Planning Application. Checks should be made payable to the City of Sebastopol. Total application costs are determined by the Planning Department, with the final amount based on processing time spent by staff and consultants.
  • Copies:
    Copies of the recorded document that established each involved parcel as a legal parcel. For purposes of this subparagraph, parcels separated for assessment purposes are not legal parcels for purposes of processing a lot line adjustment.
  • Location Map:
    Indicate the subject parcel(s) and adjacent streets on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ map.
  • Written Statement:
    The statement should include a description of the proposed use(s), as well as a description of current uses and conditions. If there will be multiple uses on the site because of use permit approval, indicate the location and square footage of the different uses.
  • Preliminary Title Report:
    A preliminary title report, prepared within three months of filing the application, including a complete legal description.
  • Site Photographs:
    Clearly show the views of and from the project, including neighboring development. Include a key map indicating where the pictures were taken from and in what direction they were taken. Label the pictures accordingly. It is often desirable to provide the City with a series of overlapping photographs of the surrounding neighborhood that show a panoramic view. Digital photos on a CD or Thumb Drive are acceptable. It is preferred that the photos are compiled into one PDF document.
  • Proposed Lot Line Adjustment Map (accurately drawn to scale):
    The lot line map must be prepared by an appropriately licensed civil engineer and/or land surveyor whose name, seal and signature must appear on the map. Measurements shall be identified by feet, square feet, or acres to the nearest tenth (10th). The map shall be 8 ½” x 11” in size if practical, or be no larger than 30” x 42” trimmed in size and folded and shall specifically show the following:
    (a) All exterior and interior lines shall be shown on the map and shall be identified by course and bearing description based on survey data, calculated data, or information of record.
    (b) Proposed new lines and lines to be eliminated shall be so identified in written notation or by legend. Lines to be eliminated shall be dashed or otherwise drawn so as to be clearly distinguishable from and subordinate to remaining new lines.
    (c) All existing structures shall be accurately located on the original parcels together with their dimensions, the distance between structures, and the number of stories and height of each structure.
    (d) The distance from the existing structures to the boundary lines of the new parcel on which the structures are located.
    (e) The distance from existing wells, septic tank, and leach fields to existing and proposed property lines.
    (f) The locations, purpose, and width of all existing and proposed easements, streets, and appurtenant utilities.
    (g) The approximate location of all watercourses and existing drainage structures.
    (h) Topography: Topography of the land with 1-foot contour lines for land with a slope of 5% or less and 2-foot contours for land over 5%. This contour interval may be increased for land with over 20% slope. Contours should be sufficient to show the slope of the project and the adjoining ground for at least 100 feet beyond the project boundaries. Show faults, flood zones and slide areas, high point, low point, and benchmark on City Datum.
    (i) Trees: Identify all trees greater than 4” in trunk diameter by species and indicate whether they are to be removed or protected. A Tree Protection Plan must also be submitted that is prepared by a registered arborist. The requirements for this plan are shown in a separate checklist that can be obtained at the Planning Department.
    (j) A reference to prior parcel maps or prior lot line adjustments on the subject property.
    (k) A copy of any existing Williamson Act agreements affecting the parcels to be adjusted.
    (l) The assessor parcel numbers of all presently existing lots involved in the application.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Planning Department.

Preliminary & Pre-Application Development Review

Before submitting any large-scale project, it is generally advised that the project be reviewed through Preliminary and/or Pre-Application reviews. Both types of reviews can be filed through our online permit portal. For more information about these applications, please contact the Planning Department.

Preliminary Development Review

Pre-Application Conference

For more information, please reach out to the Planning Department.

Use Permit

Use permit applications can be filed through our online permit portal.

Use Permit Procedure

For more information about criteria and procedure, see Chapter 17.415 of the Municipal Code.

A Use Permit is intended to ensure that the proposed use is compatible with the project area. Use Permits are discretionary. The Planning Commission will evaluate whether the proposed use should be permitted by weighing the public need and benefit of the use together with possible adverse impacts. Use permits require a hearing and decision by the Planning Commission.
The first step in the permit process is to review the development regulations of the zone in which the property is located. Each zoning district has different development standards. In addition, some types of Use Permits have Special Use Permit Criteria in the Zoning Ordinance.
Once the specific regulations and procedures applicable to the project are identified, a permit application can be picked up at the Planning Department public counter at 714 Johnson Street in Sebastopol. Depending on the type of project, you may also be advised to contact the Public Works Department to determine if public improvements will be required as part of the project and if there are other permits and fees applicable to the project.
If the project involves construction or remodeling, applicants should also contact the Building Department to determine building permit requirements and procedures.
Within the application and in any supplemental materials, the applicant is encouraged to explain in detail what is proposed and to list reasons why it should be approved.
Applicants are encouraged to talk with neighbors of the project site to inform them of the proposed project and to ascertain any special concerns about the project. Early consultation will generally assist the process for all concerned.
Projects obtaining Use Permits will generally need other city approvals, such as Design Review Board approvals for new buildings, additions, signs, and new landscaping. Tree Board permits may be needed if a project necessitates the removal of trees protected b Sebastopol’s Tree Ordinance. Building permits are needed for virtually all types of construction. An Encroachment permit is needed for projects involving any construction within a public right of way. Where a State Highway is involved, Caltrans must also approve plans and issue a separate encroachment permit before the City of Sebastopol will issue its encroachment permit. Applicants should consult with the Planning staff to determine other approval requirements.

Tentative Map

Tentative Map Applications can be filed through our online permit portal.

The submittal information shall be provided to the Planning Department. All submittal information shall be presented along with the Planning Application form, related fees, and any additional information required by the Planning Department before the application can be accepted as complete.
Upon receipt of this information, the Planning Department has 30 days in which to determine if the application is complete. The necessary level of environmental review must then be determined and completed. After this, the project can be scheduled before the Planning Commission within 3 to 6 weeks and to the City Council thereafter. The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. The City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The Planning Commission and City Council meet at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Johnson Street, Sebastopol, CA. A notice will be mailed no later than 10 days before the scheduled hearing.
The applicant and/or his representative must be present for any meetings. Failure to do so may result in the application being continued.
The scale used on submittal plans shall generally be at a 1/8″ = 1’0″ for the architectural plans, 1″ = 20′ for site engineering plans. Include a north arrow, the scale and a bar scale on all plans.
Please reach out to the planning department regarding submitting large-scale plans.

Tentative Map Checklist

  • Application form
  • Deposit
  • Location Map
  • Written Statement
  • Environmental Assessment Form
  • Preliminary Title Report
  • Site Photographs
  • Owner’s Statement
  • Tentative Map
  • Preliminary Grading/Draining
  • Preliminary Landscape Plans
  • Reductions

If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to the Planning Department. You can always find more information and requirements in our Municipal Code.

Time Extension

The submittal information shall be provided to the Planning Department. All submittal information shall be presented along with the related fees and any additional information required by the Planning Department before the application can be accepted as complete. Upon receipt of this information, the Planning Department has 30 days in which to determine if the application is complete. The necessary level of environmental review must then be determined and completed.

After this, the project can be scheduled before the Planning Commission within 3 to 6 weeks. The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Johnson Street, Sebastopol, CA at 6:00 p.m. A notice will be mailed no later than 10 days before the scheduled hearing.

The applicant and/or his representative must be present for any meetings. Failure to do so may result in the application being continued.
1. Application Form
2. Fee: As defined on the fee schedule listed on the Master Planning Application. Checks should be made payable to the City of Sebastopol.
3. Written project description of the approved project.
4. Date of project approval.
5. Reason for the time extension. Further requirements may be made by the Planning Director or another reviewing Department.


Variance applications can be filed through our online permit portal.

Variance Procedure

A Variance allows for exceptions from the physical development standards of the Zoning Ordinance for special circumstances. Under State law, a Variance may only be granted if the Planning Commission finds that the applicant would otherwise suffer a “unique hardship” under the standard zoning regulations because his or her parcel is different in terms of its size, shape, topography, or location. The applicant has the burden of proof in requesting a Variance. For these reasons, applicants should generally make every effort to abide by the City’s development standards rather than requesting a Variance. Typical types of Variances include reducing the number of required parking spaces or changing the required minimum setbacks for structures.
Variance permits require a hearing and decision by the Planning Commission.
The first step in the permit process is to review the development regulations of the zone in which the property is located. Each zoning district has different development standards. In addition, some types of Variance Permits have Special Use Permit Criteria in the Zoning Ordinance. Once the specific regulations and procedures applicable to the project are identified, a permit application can be picked up at the Planning Department public counter at 714 Johnson Street in Sebastopol. Depending on the type of project, you may also be advised to contact the Public Works Department to determine if public improvements will be required as part of the project and if there are other permits and fees applicable to the project.
Applicants should also contact the Building Department to determine building permit requirements and procedures if the project involves construction or remodeling.
Within the application and any supplemental materials, the applicant is encouraged to explain in detail what is proposed and to list why it should be approved.
Applicants are encouraged to talk with neighbors of the project site to let them know of the proposed project and to ascertain any special concerns about the project. Early consultation will generally assist the process for all concerned.
Projects obtaining Variances will generally need other city approvals, such as Design Review Board approvals for new buildings, additions, signs, and new landscaping. Tree Board permits may be needed if a project necessitates the removal of trees protected b Sebastopol’s Tree Ordinance. Building permits are needed for virtually all types of construction. An Encroachment permit is needed for projects involving any construction within a public right of way. Where a State Highway is involved, Caltrans must also approve plans and issue a separate encroachment permit before the City of Sebastopol will issue its encroachment permit. Applicants should consult with the Planning staff to determine other approval requirements.

For more information about Variances, contact the Planning Department or see Chapter 17.420 of the municipal code.

Zoning Determination

Zoning Determination applications can be filed through our online permit portal.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the planning department.

Zoning Text Amendment

Zoning Text Amendment applications can be filed through our online permit portal.

The submittal information shall be provided to the Planning Department. All submittal information shall be presented along with the Planning Application form, related fees, and any additional information required by the Planning Department before the application can be accepted as complete.
Upon receipt of this information, the Planning Department has 30 days in which to determine if the application is complete. The necessary level of environmental review must then be determined and completed. After this, the project can be scheduled before the Planning Commission within 3 to 6 weeks and to the City Council thereafter. The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. The City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The Planning Commission and City Council meet at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Johnson Street, Sebastopol, CA. A notice will be mailed no later than 10 days before the scheduled hearing.
The applicant and/or his representative must be present for any meetings. Failure to do so may result in the application being continued.
The scale used on submittal plans shall generally be at a 1/8″ = 1’0″ for the architectural plans, 1″ = 20′ for site engineering plans. Include a north arrow, the scale and a bar scale on all plans.
Please reach out to the planning department regarding submitting large-scale plans.

For more information about the Zoning Text Amendment application and procedure, see Chapter 17.445 of the municipal code.

Zoning Text Amendment Checklist

  • Application form:
    Completed and signed by applicant and property owner.
  • Deposit:
    As defined on the fee schedule listed on the Master Planning Application. Checks should be made payable to the City of Sebastopol. Total application costs are determined by the Planning Department, with the final amount based on processing time spent by staff and consultants.
  • Location Map
  • Written Statement
  • Environmental Assessment Form
  • Preliminary Title Report
  • Site Photographs
  • Area DevelopmentMap
  • Reduction