City News
Water Resiliency Carbon Conversation Nov 1 at 7pm at the Sebastopol Grange
October 25, 2023, City News
Learn how Climate Change is impacting how we manage our water supply here in Sonoma County – from the Russian River Watershed to individual water wells tapping groundwater – and our role in developing a Sustainable and Equitable Water Plan.
Ryan Pedrotti, with Sonoma Water, will describe the Russian River Watershed System, managed by Sonoma Water, which supplies water to many municipalities in Sonoma County and North Marin, and some steps being taken adapting the system to the impacts of climate change.
David Noren, with EBA Engineering and a member of the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency Advisory Committee, will share details of the state’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (2014), the state of our local aquifers, progress being made toward developing a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), status of Sebastopol’s well water system, tips for property owners toward resilient well water practices, and opportunities for community members to engage in shaping a sustainable and resilient water plan.
Additional information on water conservation measures being taken to improve water resilience will be shared.
Website with details (including flier and sign up)