City News
Sonoma County Active Transportation Plan
May 9, 2024, City News

The Sonoma Active Transportation Plan is underway! Last fall, we collected over 100 ideas for sidewalk improvements, higher visibility crosswalks, and new bicycle paths. The City wants to make walking, bicycling, and travel by mobility device safer and more appealing for both everyday transportation and recreation. We want active modes of travel to be options for people of all ages and abilities. The City of Sebastopol and Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) have partnered on this effort and will be back out in the community this Spring to get feedback on some of the initial ideas. Help shape the plan – join us at the Sebastopol Art Center, Fireside Room, on Wednesday, May 22 from 4-6pm. Or visit the project website to view and comment on draft projects:
The Planning Commission of the City of Sebastopol will be hearing a presentation from SCTA on its Milestone update at their May 14th meeting at 6:00pm.