City News
Sebastopol Invites Community Members to Help Set Climate Priorities
January 13, 2022, City News

Sebastopol Invites Community Members to Help Set Climate Priorities
Meeting on February 2nd at 6pm will kick off Climate Action Framework process
Sebastopol, Calif., January 13, 2022 – The City of Sebastopol is beginning a community-centered process to create a Climate Action Framework. The Framework will provide a roadmap for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for the impacts of climate change in Sebastopol. The City’s Climate Action Committee will lead the development of the Framework and invites all community members, local organizations, businesses, and other interested parties to participate, starting with a virtual meeting on February 2nd.
The Sebastopol community is familiar with the impacts of climate change. In 2019, Sebastopol experienced both flooding near the Laguna in February and power outages and evacuations in October caused by the Kincade fire. The frequency and intensity of such events is increasing due to climate change.
While everyone is impacted by these changes, the burden falls most heavily on marginalized communities, including low-income communities and communities of color. To address the disparate impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities, the Framework will prioritize equity in all climate preparedness and emission reduction strategies.
Sebastopol has long been a leader in sustainability, including by:
- adopting one of the first solar ordinances in the United States in 2013,
- subsidizing a local bus route to promote alternative forms of transportation,
- and enrolling in BayREN’s Water Upgrades Save program to encourage water conservation.
The development of the Climate Action Framework follows the City Council’s adoption of a Climate Emergency Resolution in 2019. This Resolution recognized the immense threat that climate change poses and committed to ongoing actions to restore a safe climate. Sebastopol’s volunteer Climate Action Committee, which began meeting in January 2021, is carrying forward these climate efforts. “Our city is fortunate to have dedicated volunteers and activist citizens starting this work with Phoebe Goulden, our CivicSpark Fellow,” said Council Member Sarah Gurney, a member of the Climate Action Committee.
Join us for a kickoff community meeting on February 2nd, 2022, at 6pm via Zoom. All are invited to share their climate concerns, ideas, and priorities for the Framework.
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