City News

Sales Tax Ballot Measure to be Revisited at May 21 City Council Meeting

May 20, 2024, City News

As noted in recent City Council meetings, the City of Sebastopol faces major long-term budget challenges with our General Fund, which supports most City functions including police, fire, land use, housing, maintenance of parks and facilities, support for non-profits, and administrative functions. In light of the City of Sebastopol’s ongoing projected General Fund deficit of $2.9 million annually, at the May 21st meeting the Council will consider whether or not to investigate placement of a quarter-cent or half-cent sales tax increase on the November 2024 ballot. If the Council supports moving forward, they will be asked to consider proposed uses for the funding and approval of a Community Survey Research Consultant to determine community priorities for City services and the level of support for a potential local sales tax on the November 2024 ballot.

May 21 Meeting Agenda.

See an overview of the City’s financial situation here

Sales Tax Item is currently Number 11 on the agenda.
