In Sebastopol, are people allowed to camp in city parks or in the Laguna de Santa Rosa?
In Sebastopol, are people allowed to camp in city parks or in the Laguna de Santa Rosa?
January 7, 2025
Camping, setting up housekeeping, or sleeping in city parks overnight, specifically between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am is not permitted per section 9.24.180 of the Sebastopol Municipal Code. The portions of the Laguna de Santa Rosa within Sebastopol are designated as a city park, and the same rules apply there. Park hours vary with specific parks and can be different from the hours listed in the camping ordinance. Park hours specific to that park become the enforcement guidelines for that park. For example, the Laguna de Santa Rosa is open from sunrise to sunset. Most of our parks are open from sunrise to 10 pm.
All people have the right to enjoy our city parks. Lawful activities include being in the park without time limitations during open hours; napping or sleeping in the parks with or without a blanket, or on or in some type temporary shelter to avoid overexposure of the elements similar to what people bring to the beach to get relief from overexposure to the sun; and being on city parks property engaging in any lawful behavior during open hours to include just “hanging out”.
Storage of personal property in parks is prohibited in City Parks under section 9.24.170. This means people cannot set up camping equipment such as a tent or lean-to on park property and then leave the park without removing these items.