City News
April 29 Apple Blossom Parade Detour Routes & Road Closures
April 24, 2023, City News

Apple Blossom Main Street & Petaluma Avenue Detour Route
- Petaluma Avenue (SR-116), from the intersection at Sebastopol Avenue (SR-12) south to where it intersects with Gravenstein Highway South (SR-116), will be converted in to a two way, north/south, direction roadway by the use of barriers and cones.
- Westbound traffic on Sebastopol Avenue (SR-12) will be diverted onto southbound Petaluma Avenue.
- Northbound traffic on Petaluma Avenue (SR-116) will be directed onto eastbound Sebastopol Avenue (SR-12).
- On Gravenstein Highway South (SR-116), on the south end of town, traffic that wants to travel through Sebastopol to get to the north county or west county area will be diverted onto westbound Lynch Road and then onto northbound Pleasant Hill Road.
- Incoming eastbound traffic on Bodega Avenue with be diverted to either northbound Pleasant Hill Avenue or southbound Pleasant Hill Road depending on which direction their destination is.
- Eastbound traffic on Gravenstein Highway North will be diverted onto Covert Lane. From Covert Lane the traffic will be routed onto Pleasant Hill Avenue in a southbound direction.
Apple Blossom Parade Road Closures
8 AM
- Southbound High School Road at East Hurlbut Avenue
- Northbound North Main Street at Healdsburg Avenue
9 AM
- Eddie Lane at North Main Street
- Analy Avenue at North Main Street
- Morris Street at the south driveway of the Community Center parking lot
- Johnson Street at Sunset Avenue & Laguna Park Way
- Bonnardel Avenue at Wallace Street
9:30 AM
- Petaluma Avenue converted to two-way (north/south) street between Petaluma Avenue and Gravenstein Highway South
- Wallace Street at North Main Street
- Safeway (406 North Main Street) parking lots exiting onto North Main Street
- Keating Avenue at North Main Street
- Wilton Avenue at North Main Street
- Umpqa Bank (201 North Main Street) parking lot exiting onto North Main Street
- Laguna Park Way at Petaluma Avenue
- McKinley Street at North Main Street
- Bodega Avenue at High Street (eastbound only)
- Bodega Avenue at North Main Street
- Sebastopol Avenue at North Main Street
- Burnett Street (east and westbound) at South Main Street
- Burnett Street at Petaluma Avenue
- Sebastopol Avenue at Petaluma Avenue
- Willow Street at South Main Street
- Calder Avenue at South Main Street
- Fannen Avenue at South Main Street and Petaluma Avenue (eastbound from Petaluma Avenue open)
- Walker Avenue at South Main Street and Petaluma Avenue (eastbound from Petaluma Avenue open)
- Maple Avenue at South Main Street
- Palm Avenue at South Main Street and Petaluma Avenue (eastbound from Petaluma Avenue open)
9:45 AM
- North Main Street at Healdsburg Avenue
- Eastbound Bodega at Pleasant Hill Avenue North (Local traffic ok, no through traffic)
- Healdsburg Avenue at Covert Lane (Local traffic ok, no through traffic)
Road closures will reopen when the parade concludes, sometime shortly after noon.